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May 15, 1907

Imperial Hotels, Ltd. Tokio.
(Imperial Hotel & Villa, and Metropole Hotel.)

Imperial Hotel & Villa.

in the management too, but all this will come, I am certain. In fact, Mr. Hargreave's plan to organize on broader plans can, I
believe, be easily carried out now that the way is open. Mr. Ryan and Mr. Hargreaves can work splendidly together and eventually build up a perfect organization.  McBride is surely a winner, but how he and Barker can work together I cannot quite see.- unless, perhaps Barker himself is willing to drop the reins.

I am glad of the better news concerning Anna coming both from yourself and Watson. Some people who were with her in Arizona are now in Japan having crossed with friends of mine from Evanston- the Morses & Miss Watson and they bring much encouragement.

I do hope she will soon be entirely strong and free from
future attacks. I am very well and very busy too. The Household Department of the Government is opening up every temple, museum and palace collection in the country and Baron Kaneko and President Gajow [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] are rushing me through the Daring and other private collections- I am seeing the very best of all forms of Japanese Art and am learning
much by which I hope to profit in my future study to say nothing of present delight. You and your family are all well. I trust, With warmest greetings, C.L.F.
