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is lost. 
I bought in Aleppo and elsewhere other beautiful things and they must all run similar risk! If however, I save fifty per cent of my purchases, I shall be entirely satisfied. 

The methods employed by the native dealers for getting things out of the Empire are daring and devilish; fortunately, I am in no wise involved except as a buyer - having nothing to do with shiping etc., etc.

Before taking steps I advised with our consuls and through their advice I kept out of the fire. I fear the chap from whom


I bought the sculptures is now behind the bars. It is his second offence! But he is rich and a regular Buffalo-Bill-type of person and can buy or fight his way out of jail, I imagine. 

I have no particulars of the seizure beyond a telegraph message directly from the seller, sent me in care of the American Consulate at Alexandretta which reached me by mere chance. 

I am travelling on a small coasting steamer going from
Beirut to Constantinople, having chosen this route, one of seven days, instead of a shorter one of four days, in order to see the very interesting coast of