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for China. As soon as I know definitely my route and steamer I will advise you. I am making headway here with plans for the building. All doors are wide open to me. Yesterday, I was at the Bodlean Library and All Souls Library at Oxford with Charles Whibley.  Saw much there including a lot of original drawings by Sir Christopher Wrenn. Tuesday I visit Haddon Hall. Thursday I am to lunch with Lord Northcote. South Kensington gives me special priveleges tomorrow. Dr. Stein entertained me Wednesday afternoon with a personal account of his splendid work in Turkestan, Bhotan and western China and showed me hundreds of his discoveries. 7th century Chinese paintings etc., etc. - Oxford invites me to special priveleges because of the work they have heard is being done with my Biblical MSS.

One can never tell where or when the bread cast upon the water will return. Kindest regards to you and your family and enquiring friends -
Charles L. Freer