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In Cairo, I shall probably need some money with which to make purchase of things which I am advised await me there, but my awful extravagance thus far on my journey, urges economy and self-denial and to these two great virtues I shall kneel as I go into the East --- the land of seductive bankruptcy for poor me. I have just cabled you "Sarcenent" --- expect to leave here fifteenth for Hotel du Vesuve, Naples. Sail Naples to Alexandria twenty third. Cairo address care Credit Lyonnais. Sail from Port Said "Seagull" - North German Lloyd - Derfflinger August third. Kennedy's letter sixteenth June lost. Send copy to Cairo. Well".

I have quite recovered from my little illness and in these fine warm days in Germany, I am all right again. The weather in England, France and Belgium excepting an occasional day, was like April in Michigan.

Yourself and family are quite well and having a full share of all things good, I trust. To you all I send most cordial greetings. The Halcyon still pleases, I hope.

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer.

P.S. Because of the loss of Kennedy's letter and no other reason, perhaps I should tell you that the last letter rec'd from you is dated June 3rd. C.L.F.

Long hand.