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Maruyama Park,
Kyoto, Japan Kyoto Nov. 4th, 1909.

Dear Colonel Hecker,
Your good letters of Sept. 17th and Oct. 2nd reached me here yesterday and I was glad of news from home. I had not before learned of Mr. Castle's suicide and regret that he should have taken his own life. How many bankers seem impelled to self-destruction!
Yes, I was surprised to receive Baron Shibusawa's cablegram, but quickly after its receipt, realized how quite natural it would be for at least some of the commissioners, to desire to see their native work in foreign surroundings. I am sorry the house looked so forlorn, but Stephen, I know, did the best possible under the circumstances. Your action in the matter calls forth my warmest praise for more reasons than one. Firstly, because I wish you always to feel at perfect liberty to do with exhibiting the things in my care exactly as I would do with yours in your absence --- i.e. use your own good judgement. Secondly, because of the special privileges given to me two years ago to see private Japanese collections, about which Baron Shibusawa knows considerable, I want him to understand that American owners of pictures are fully as obliging as his own countrymen.
I am sorry that our friend Charlie Swift has lost his wife. He will, poor fellow, miss her dreadfully. A man of his love of company and so used to social enjoyment must more than suffer in losing one half of himself --- and that the better half. When you see him please give him my sympathetic greetings.
The good news concerning business prospects is welcome. The Alger Sullivan Co. seem fortunate in escaping great loss of timber by the severe storms of recent years in their locality --- Their earnings, too, for September, seem large to me.
I am spending very peaceful and charming days in delightful old Kioto after the rush and excitement of the last six months. The weather is perfect and I am again quartered in my old room in the Yaami Hotel, served by old servants, refreshed by old scenes and encouraged by ancient