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with things artistic, thoroughly familiar with my collection and cheerfully willing to cooperate in my plans for visiting the Ancient Chinese capitals. It seems that Mrs. Calhoun has attended a number of exhibitions in which objects from my collection have been shown; we have mutual friends and she seems determined to do everything possible possible socially as well as artistically for me. 

She gave a delightful reception yesterday afternoon for Sec'y of War and Mrs. Dickinson which I attended and was thus brought in touch with the best foreigners as well as some of the higher Chinese. It was a splendid affair! Such doings are 


not to my liking, but it was the means of my meeting under [[strikethrough]] good [[/strikethrough]] auspicious circumstances, the foreign Ambassadors and other officials who will also aid me as they can in my travels in the interior. 

Mr. Einstein who was so kind to me when Sec'y at Constantinople I found to my surprise and delight, first Sec'y of Legation here. He and Mrs. Einstein entertained me last evening at a dinner party - given in honor of Sec'y and Mrs. Dickinson where I again met the people here best worth knowing. 

Tomorrow, Sunday morning, Ambassador and Mrs. Calhoun and Sec'y and Mrs. Dickinson and a few others, myself included, are to visit the Imperial Winter Palace