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Grand Hotel des Wagons-Lits, Limited.

Peking, Sept 23rd 1910.

Dear Colonel Hecker -

On reaching here three days ago, I sent you a cable telling you of my arrival, that I was well and that the voyage proved pleasant. Many interesting things made the trip here both comfortable and profitable, At Shanghai and Tientsin I met well known men who have travelled in the interior of China and from them I obtained much valuable information. Here I find Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun deeply interested with things artistic, thoroughly familiar with my collection and cheerfully willing to cooperate in my plans for visiting the Ancient Chinese capitals. It seems that Mrs. Calhoun has attended a number of exhibitions in which objects from my collection have been shown; we have mutual friends and she seems determined to do everything possible possible socially as well as artistically for me. 

She gave a delightful reception yesterday afternoon for Sec'y of War and Mrs. Dickinson which I attended and was thus brought in touch with the best foreigners as well as some of the higher Chinese. It was a splendid affair! Such doings are not to my liking, but it was the means of my meeting under auspicious circumstances, the foreign Ambassadors and other officials who will also aid me as they can, in my travels in the interior. 

Mr. Einstein who was so kind to me when Sec'y at Constantinople I found to my surprise and delight, first Sec'y of Legislation here. He and Mrs. Einstein entertained me last evening at a dinner party given in honor of Sec'y and Mrs. Dickinson where I again met the people here best worth knowing. 

Tomorrow, Sunday morning, Ambassador and Mrs. Calhoun and Sec'y and Mrs. Dickinson and a few others, myself included, are to visit the Imperial Winter Palace within the walls of the Forbidden City -- an honor of significance extended to Sec'y Dickinson. 

On Wednesday next I am to take luncheon with the Calhouns. 

One week from next Wednesday I am to dine with Count Luxburg of the German Legation, who knows my German friends - Drs. Gresse, Kimmel, Fischer, Voretzsch et al. and is himself deeply interested in Oriental art. He has been over the very trails which I am planning to travel and volunteers all sorts of assistance. 

But, best of all, my interpreter and adviser of last year, Nan, when he learned of my proposed trip to Shansi, Honan, and Shantung, instantly insisted upon taking charge of my little expedition and in accompanying me everywhere in China. Last year when I asked him to go with me only one day's journey to Nankon, he refused, saying he would not leave Peking. Now, you see, he insists upon going everywhere with me. Of course, I am delighted, and today I put directly and strongly to him the question why this great change of mind? He replied, "You have been very good to me - we are both students, (he has been an expert over 27 years, buying for the great dealers and museums everywhere) we are now friends, I will not let anyone else manage your trip. You and I and are servants and a photographer shall go alone." 

And so our plans stand. 

A distinguished Chinaman, an ex-official of Shanghai, who volunteered to accompany me before I reached here, I cannot take. Nan objects and Ambassador Calhoun agrees with Nan. We hope to start for the interior about Oct. 12 - 15th and we estimate that from five to six weeks time will be taken up by our travels. 

Now, I have told you of the social doings simply to let you know that I am getting the best possible assistance for my coming trip -- and I