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Grand Hotel des Wagon-Lits, Ltd.
Peking, Nov. 14th 1910.

Dear Colonel Hecker,

In answer to your cable gram, I have just cabled you asking you to please wire Mr. Fischer of Washington, that it is impossible for me to send the Thayer, Dewing and Tyron paintings desired for the Corcoran Exhibition this year.  I have already agreed to send to the Smithsonian Exhibition, which will open ere long, a group of the work of these three men and they, I am sure, would not care to have so large a number of their works from one collection, shown at the same time, in competing exhibitions in any one city.

I shall write a line to Mr. Fischer in explanation.  The £1500. so kindly cabled through the Hongkong Shanghai Bank came duly and much of it had already been paid out.  I have had a couple of experts out in the country where I have been travelling, to get for me certain things that I wanted, but which it was wiser to have others negotiate for.  The purchase so made, are arriving and absorb funds rapidly.

Another expert starts from here for Mongolia in about one week to bring for my inspection and purchase if it is as fine as described, a bronze object of great importance.  This along with some other similar projects placed before..(me), and to which I am giving consideration, may keep me here or near here, during the greater part of December and may require me to ask you to wire me a couple of thousand pounds more.

I am buying principally, extremely fine things.  For instance, from Marquis Hi's famous collection three superb bronzes, form other noted collections Tang and Sung paintings - and from the interior, finer sculptures than has ever heretofore left China.

China's great sleeve contains treasure which in time, will startle the Occidental world.  Just now politics here are very startling.  The Diplomatic circle is watching things very carefully.  The new "Senate" is determined to make itself heard, and I am told by those who ought to know, that intrigue now at work, may make radical changes almost any day.

I am glad to have your good letter of Sept. 27th telling me of Mrs. Hecker's return of health.  I hope by this time that all pain and stiffness has left her.  Watson wrote me also about his accident - your letter and his reaching me at the same time.  He was lucky in escaping greater injury.  He says "that horse" will be disposed of promptly. [[strikethrough]] One he should never have bought and never would have bought had his mind been as it once was.- Poor Watson! [[/strikethrough]]

Your news concerning business and political matters is interesting.  Thanks for all.  With all good wishes to you and yours

Charles L. Freer.

P.S.  I'm having two Thanksgiving dinners today - midday at the Am Legation.  This evening at Mr and Mrs deMonical - Manager International Bank.