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cabled me recently. This same agent knows of other purchasable specimens in the interior and early in January he is to start out again on a second trip for my account, and expects to return to Peking during late March. It is principally to meet him that I have decided to return to Peking next spring.

Another reason is to meet another man who brought me eighteen important paintings from far away interior cities, to pay for which I asked you to cable me the £1.250. which came with remarkable promptness.

Now, this second man says he can fetch me during April next, from the province of Hupeh, on approval, a collection of over forty pieces of ancient painting, pottery, and bronze, all suitable for my collection and at reasonable prices. If he can, I must do my part!

Another thing in my mind - importantly lodged, is a desire to see the second Lung-men of China, which is located near the great wall, in northern Shansi,- an out-of-the-beaten-path-place, and the remaining spot in China, unknown to me, containing excellent, early, Buddhistic sculptures!

Capt. Reeves, U.S. Army: stationed at our Legation in Peking, an experienced traveller in China, is deeply interested in my experiences at Lung-men in Honan and wants to see Lung-men in Shansi - so do I - Together we may go to Shansi starting from Peking about April 15th next.  But, this trip, is as yet, only in contemplation and may be abandoned.  The country in northern Shansi, is said to be very beautiful, peaceful and without the bandits of Honan-  So if we go, we are likely to have less exciting experiences than befell my expedition in Honan.