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Astor House hotel

Mukden, Dec. 25 1910

The situation in China as regards my collection is very interesting and may remain so for some years, on it may end abruptly any day- The kind of objects sought by me, have only recently been sought by others, and, as yet, few, very few people recognize the original objects when found- but some are learning and will ere long recognize the real thing on sight- This means soon many competitors. Then too, the number of real fine things, even in the interior, may be less than I have fancied. And worst of all for my, interests, the intensely interesting political changes taking place daily at Peking, may include prohibition of exportation of all artistic objects at an hours notice. The situation seems very mixed to all of the foreign diplomats and every leading one of them advise me to make hay while the sun shines. Under such lively circumstances, I deemed it wiser to abandon all efforts to obtain consent from the Chinese Foreign Office to take away the large sculptures mentioned in an earlier letter and to confine myself to smaller objects- Consequently an fortunately, I managed to clear through the customs, at Tientsin four days ago, eleven liberalized cases containing over two hundred objects many of which, are highly important in the art history of China- This shipment is consigned which to the Smithsonian and I am sending Bills of Lading and other documents to George. My return to Peking next spring, will delay my return to Detroit probably to June, but the only pressing matter there known to me, is the repairs to my house, and as the beginning of work is put off till spring, I am sure to be back in time to look after the finishing details which alone require my personal outright. From here I go first to Shanghai and vicinity, then Hongkong and Canton, after which I shall probably go to Bangkok, Siam, for a stay there and at
