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Realizing the grave danger of each succeeding stroke that might attack Frank, I felt it my [[strikethrough]] might [[/strikethrough]] duty to return home by first steamer, and learning that the "Siberia" sailed on the 11th inst. tomorrow, I wired Watson that I would return on her.
On the 6th inst. he replied "Unnecessary to come account Frank: improving".
So I gave further thought to the matter and after these days consideration, I wired Watson on the 9th inst.
"Remain, If unfavorable change happens wire and I will return". 
and so the matter now stands. 
Knowing that Frank at her best, is not able to go through much suffering, it seemed to me that after this recent stroke
some slight change for the worse might prove fatal and that for this reason if no other, I should hurry back. Another reason is because of Watson. I fear that the shock from his runaway accident may not have entirely passed, and the effects of the accident along with Franks condition would naturally cause him great nervousness and worry.
However, as he wired me that it was unnecessary for me to return, I finally decided to follow his idea, and await detailed statements con-cerning the stroke. 
But I must say that I am not con-vinced of doing [strikethrough] the best possible thing. However, I can tell after I once receive written details, which I know are enroute here.
In the meantime, I have abandoned all thought of going to Siam. I shall remain in Shanghai and vicinity - including Hang chow and