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First M.E.Church, VISALIA, Cal.
Tientsin, June 2nd 1913

Ansd - June 12th

Charles L.Freer, Esq.+
33 Ferry Avenue East, 

Dear Mr Freer:-

I am sure you will be much surprised when you receive this letter, but if you will recall your visit to Tientsin a few years ago, and your calling upon a missionary who had travelled in Mongolia, having been advised to do so by the Agent of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, you will have got the writer of this letter. I have been in California for about six months, it having become necessary for health reasons that I should have a thorough and possibly long change from China after over 15 years there. At present I am acting as Pastor of the Church named above and shall be here till the end of September. The Weekly Edition of the London Times has just reached me today, containing the account of the Freer MS of the Gospels, a copy of which you have presented to the British Museum, and I write just to offer my hearty congratulations to you on having made such a wonderful find, and thus having your name for all time associated with so valuable a M.S., and to thank you for making the MS available to so many scholars as may now reach it through the medium of the copy placed in London. You are to be envied as well as congratulated and thanked. Perhaps someday I may return the call you made upon me in Tientsin, as it is likely I shall be passing through Detroit in the fall.

Yours very truly, John Hedley

[[left margin]] It may be that I shall spend some years in this Continent, either in U.S. or Canada [[/left margin]]

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