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ReV. JH--Page 2   June 12, 1913.

while not pretentious at all, contains a couple of guest rooms which I will be delighted to have yourself and Mrs. Hedley occupy during your stay in Detroit. My art collections are also there, and I have no doubt you would both find them an additional attraction.

I am sorry to hear that health conditions compelled your departure from Tientsin, but I sincerely trust that it will be completely restored in America.

We have recently sent to China Mr. Langdon Warner of Boston, who goes for the purpose of making a preliminary report upon the possibility of establishing a school of archaeology in Pekin, and I took the liberty of giving Mr. Warner a letter of introduction to you, thinking that you were still living at Tientsin. He (Mr. Warner) will, I am sure, regret the pleasure of meeting you and will be deprived of the valuable information you could have given him concerning travel in Mongolia and other northern sections of China.

Hoping to see you ere long, and thanking you for having so kindly written to me, I remain, with kindest regards to Mrs. Hedley, 
Very sincerely yours, 

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