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Methodist Episcopal Church
Redondo Beach, California
Home Phone 3461

John Hedley, Pastor
Res. 221 N. Broadway

January 22nd 1916

Charles L. Freer, Esqr: 
33 Ferry Avenue East, 
Detroit, Michigan.

My Dear Mr Freer:-

The enclosed paragraph in one of our Los Angeles papers this evening will explain this letter. It is well over two years since I wrote to you, and received in return your kind invitation to visit your home and see your collections in Detroit. I cannot now remember if I ever wrote to tell you that my wife, our son Percy, and I went round by Detroit specially in November 1913, to avail ourselves of that generous invitation, but were unfortunate enough not to find you there, nor to find your housekeeper or caretaker at home. So we still have that pleasure in store. I did not write you before going to Detroit because we were only able to spend the day there, and did not wish to cause you or your people any inconvenience. How often I have wished since that I had done so, you can imagine. Only this week I have been favored by reading a typewritten copy of Mr Fenollosa's critique of your collection, lent to me by our librarian in this city, and have realised once again how much we missed.

I have been in this city (20 miles from Los Angeles) since March 1914, and am now a member of the Southern California Conference, and very happily located here on the shores of the grand old Pacific. That seems to be a link with China, and we greatly enjoy living here. It will also interest you to know that I am doing a little for China by teaching Chinese Civilization and History in the University of Southern California, so while I cannot at present go back there, I am not losing touch with the old land. My boy, now sixteen, will graduate from High School in June, and we hope he will enter the University in September, to take his Liberal Arts course, and from that pass to a Medical course, in preparation for work some day in China.
It is good news to hear you are coming to Southern California. I know Arrowhead, and am sure you will enjoy its quiet and beauty. I hope we may see something of you. This is only a Methodist preacher's parsonage, but if you would care to come and visit us, we should be delighted to do what is possible to make you comfortable. I wonder also if I might not perhaps be able to help you somewhat "Chinese-ly". If I can, I am yours to command. I will send this to your home address, and hope you will let me know when you are likely to be in Los Angeles, that I might at least shake hands with you, and renew our acquaintance.

Hastily written, but with all kind regards, 
Very sincerely yours, 
John Hedley.

I am vain enough to believe you will remember me as the man you called on in Tientsin.

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