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been opened very irregularly. Last winter I spent several months in California, and a large part of the time at Arrowhead, where the environment seemed to be very beneficial. I had planned to go back there this winter, but I have not been strong enough to make the journey. However, I hope some day to get back to the Pacific coast, and when I do I shall be sure to call upon yourself and family. I remember with delight my visit to yourself and Mrs. Hedley in Tien Tsien, and I should be delighted to renew our acquaintance.

Sometime later I hope to be strong enough to reopen my Detroit residence, and then I would enjoy so much to receive a visit there from yourself and Mrs. Hedley. I have a considerable collection of Far Eastern art treasures, including many early Chinese paintings, bronze, pottery and sculpture, and these I feel would interest you. 

The news coming from China is not very promising, and I am wondering what sort of a government the country really needs. Should it be a monarchy strongly organized, or do you feel that the Chinese will some day be able to choose proper representatives for a more liberal form of government?

With every good wish, believe me,

Sincerely yours,