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July 6, 1911 #4

Mr. Jerome. -2-

I am recovering my strength quite rapidly. In fact I have rather surprised the doctors and nurses with my quick clearance of the condition in which I found myself shortly after the attack.  They have decided to send me to Mackinac Island about the middle of this month where I am to take Colonel Hecker's unoccupied cottage and stay in the north until September when I shall return to Detroit and re-open my house which has been unused since last year because of certain repairs and alterations. The doctors are just now trying to locate, if possible, the cause of the complications which followed the ptomaine poisoning and I think within ten days we shall know more about my case than we do at present. One think, however, is apparent, and that fortunately is a complete return of strength within the next two or three months so have no misgivings on the subject. There is every probability of things coming out all right and I shall have pleasure in sending you work of my condition from time to time.

Believe me, with all good wishes,

Affectionately yours,
(signed) Charles L. Freer

Thomas S. Jerome, Esq.
Villa Castello,
Capri, Italy.