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No. 915 Union Trust Building, 
Detroit, Michigan.
October 18th, 1906.

E. J. van Wislelingh, Esquire;
Hotel Cadillac, Detroit, Mich.

Dear Sir;-

Your note of yesterday reached me at my residence, No. 33 Ferry Avenue, this morning, and I hasten to inform you that I have business engagements this morning inquiring my attention, but I shall be free during a part of this afternoon, so if you and your junior partner will call at my residence, No. 33 Ferry Avenue East, this afternoon at one forty five o'clock, I will be pleased to show you the picture in my collection up to three-thirty o'clock, at which time, I am sorry to say, I have another important engagement.

I have had the pleasure of visiting your collection in London several times and shall be glad to meet you personally.

Very respectfully yours,
Charles L. Freer