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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 18th.,1906.

Dear Professor Fenollosa:-

Stephen left here last evening, going to Buffalo and Boston, and will reach New York next Saturday noon and expects to remain in your city until Tuesday afternoon, the twenty-third instant. I have told him to bring back with him the paintings of which you have been having photographs made. I take it for granted that Mr. Riley has quite finished all that he wishes to do with the paintings, but if I am mistaken in this you may retain such as you may have further use for. If, however, the work is done, I would prefer to have Stephen bring them all with him to Detroit. On Monday or Tuesday next he is to take the lot to the city home of Mr. and Mrs. Havemeyer for their examination. I told Stephen to phone you after his arrival in New York and to call upon you at such time as you may designate.

I understand that you desire to keep the negatives some time longer and this, of course, is entirely