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satisfactory, as I am in no hurry to have them returned.

Kobayashi arrived here on Monday last and left for Chicago on Wednesday morning. He brought with him a friend of his named Ogawa, who is an excellent interpreter, the best one in fact, Kobayashi has thus far produced. After much dickering of an almost exasperating nature, I bought the pair of six-fold wave screens by Sotatsu and the pair of six-fold landscape screens by Sori. His original price for the Sotatsu was ten thousand dollars and for the Sori, five thousand dollars. I cut his prices exactly in two, and by standing firmly to these figures finally secured the paintings. I believe the price I finally paid him was absolutely full value. He asked for the three Takuma Kakemono five thousand dollars and for the one Kawanari, three thousand five hundred dollars. Of course, I did not purchase either of the Kakemono. After visiting Chicago he leaves for New York and expects to arrive at the Imperial Hotel on Sunday next, the twenty-first. After a week or ten days more in this