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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 19th., 1906.

Bunschichi Kobayashi, Esq.:
c/o Imperial Hotel, Broadway & 39th St., New York City.

My dear Sir:-

The single screen by Hokusai, the one Kakemono by Kawanari, the three Takeuma Kakemono and the one Kenzan tea bowl, have been carefully packed and shipped to your address in care of the Imperial Hotel, New York City. The express charges were paid here, and I have advised the manager of the Imperial Hotel of the shipment and have asked him to receive and care for the packages until the time of your arrival.

To-morrow your account will be made up and a check payable to your order will be mailed you so you should receive it either Sunday the twenty-first instant, or Monday morning, the twenty-second.

Hoping you had a successful time in Chicago, I remain,

Very truly yours,
Charles L. Freer