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No. 33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan,
October 20th., 1906.

Marcel Bing, Esquire,
No. 10 Rue St. Georges, Paris, France.

My dear Mr. Bing:-

Mr, Kobayashi, the famous print seller of Tokio, has been my guest here for a couple of days and, as usual, has brought with him many fine Japanese prints. This year he intends to visit Paris, and I have asked him to take a letter of introduction to you. He knew your father intimately, but has not had the pleasure of meeting you and I am glad to be the means of bringing about an acquaintance.

Mr. Kobayashi would like to meet a few of your principal lovers of Japanese art, and I am taking the liberty of asking you to, if agreeable, arrange so that he can meet Messrs. Vever, Isaac, Koechlin et al.

Thanking you in advance for any favors you may show Mr. Kobayashi, I remain, 

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer