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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 22nd.,1906.

D.J.R Ushikubo, Esquire,
No. 254 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
Dear Mr. Ushikubo:-

Your letter of the nineteenth is received and I am glad to hear that the porcelain and Chinese rugs are selling so rapidly. This verifies what I have frequently stated to you,namely, "first-class article are always saleable".

I am looking forward with pleasure to seeing you here on Saturday the third and Sunday, the fourth of November. I shall be glad indeed if you will bring Mr. S. H. Yamanaka with you.

I am checking up the invoices of my recent purchases made from you and will get the account in shape for payment quickly after Stephen's return from the East.

Thank you for courtesies shown to him,

I remain,

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer