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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 33rd., 1906.

Bunschichi Kobayashi, Esquire.
c/o Imperial Hotel, Broadway & 39th. Street, New York City.

Dear Mr. Kobayashi:-

I received your telegram telling me of your safe arrival in New York. I am glad that you found the kakemono screens and piece of Kenzan pottery awaiting you.

In accordance with the promise made you while you were in Detroit, I am sending you enclosed herewith a letter of introduction to Doctor Justus Brinckmann, of the Hamburg Museum, the gentleman of whom I spoke with you, and a rare lover of Oriental Art.

If I do not have the pleasure of seeing you before you leave for Europe I now wish you a successful trip and a safe return to your native land. I shall leave New York for Egypt on the Steamer "Hamburg" November fifteenth next and when that time arrives, you will doubtless have landed in Europe.

With renewed good wishes and good bye, I remain, 

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer
