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No. 35 Ferry Avenue,
October 23rd.,1906

My dear Mr. Canfield.-

Referring to the hurried but pleasant chat had with you on Fifth Avenue a few days ago, I am back in Detroit again and have completed by plans for the balance of the time I shall have in Detroit before sailing for Egypt on November fifteenth, and find that I shall be quite free from now to the second of November and I am wondering if you can't run out and give me a couple of days with the Whistlers. Can you come, say, on Friday evening next and give me Saturday and Sunday, or if that is not convenient can you leave Tuesday evening of next week and give me Wednesday and Thursday, the thirty-first instant and the first proximo? All of the Whistlers in my care are now here and we could see them all under much better circumstances than when you were last here. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to go over the entire group with you. After the second of November my time will be so uncertain that I don't see