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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 26th., 1906.

Bunschichi Kobayashi, Esquire,
c/o Hotel Imperial, Broadway and 32nd St., New York City.

Dear Sir:-

You have written me a very kind letter under date of October twenty-fourth and I want you to know that I appreciate the kindness expressed therein. As yet, I have made no definite plans for my next visit to Japan, but whenever I go to your country I shall advise you in advance and shall be glad indeed to accept your invitation to go with you to inspect some of the private collections of Japanese art named in your letter. I know, of course, your large acquaintance throughout Japan and shall be sure to avail myself of its advantage when next in your country.

Wishing you a very successful tour in Europe, and with kindest regards to both yourself and Mr. Togawa,

I remain.
Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer