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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 26th., 1906.

William Carson, Esquire:
Sheffield, Mass.

Dear Sir:-

Along with these lines I am sending you a formal written confirmation of the arrangement made with you recently to continue your services in charge of my farm for another year, beginning April first, 1907, which I trust you will find satisfactory.

Has Mr. Miller finished building the pond near the farm house, and if so, how does the job look? The marble drinking trough, I suppose, is not yet in place. It would be well to build sufficient foundation upon which to place the trough so that it will remain level when placed in position.

After leaving the farm I went to New Hampshire and in one of the small villages I found that water was supplied to a public drinking trough through a three-quarter inch galvanized pipe which came up from the ground