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I will add that you will receive interest at the rate of two and one-half per cent per annum on daily credit balances and you will be charged interest at the rate of five percent per annum on any over draft you may make, and the going rate of interest on any loans or advances you may make from the Trust Company. These interest rates seem to me very fair. The two and one-half percent per annum on daily credit balances will net you more than three per cent in the Savings Banks,credited in accordance with savings bank rules.

I deemed it wiser to have all your funds and assets united in one place, so have closed both your savings and working accounts at the State Bank, now in your possession, will remain effective until it is exhausted or much time as you may wish to have a new letter of credit. You can make your drafts as heretofore and on arrival at the State Bank they will be presented to the Union Trust Company for payment instead of at my office as heretofore. The Union Trust Company has notified the State Bank accordingly.

The Union Trust Company has a well organized Real Estate Department with Mr. Lingerman at its head, and I