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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 26th.,1906.

Dear Professor Morse:-

Since my last letter to you written a few weeks ago I have been very much rushed in preparing for a trip to Egypt, Ceylon and Java, on which I am to start from New York on November fifteenth next. I have, however, found time to dig out some of the Oriental articles which were stored in the group of "rejects" in my cellar. I am having the same boxed and they will go to your Salem address by express early next week, charges prepaid. Herein you will find a brief list of the articles which may help you as a means of identification.

I wish the articles were of greater interest. However, they are sent through the encouragement received in your kind letter of some weeks ago and I trust you will find time to inspect the lot. They are all sent hoping you may find them worthy of a place in the Peabody Museum, but you will, I am sure, feel at perfect liberty to reject any or all which you may find lacking in ethnological interest.