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The Indian water jar, silver anklets and lot of eight engraved charms were bought during my first trip to India; the small brass gong I bought from a Tibetan priest at Daigelling. The rather large pottery fountain I purchased from Wagner in Berlin. It is practically a duplicate of one in the famous collection of porcelains in the Dresden Museum. The other potteries and porcelains, you, of course, know very much more about than I do.

I must again repeat that I shall depend upon you to fire uncermoniously anything in the lot not fit for your Museum. 

Have you visited Java, and if so, can you give me any points concerning its antiquities and places likely to interest a wanderer of my build ? 

You are keeping very well I trust.

With kindest regards,

I remain,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer 

To - Professor Edward S. Morse,
Director,Peabody Museum,
Salem, Mass.