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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 27th.,1906.

H. R. Yamamoto, Esquire,
#183 St.Botolph Street, Boston, Mass.

Dear Sir:-

Your kind letter of October twenty-second came recently. The package of Kakemono arrived in good order last evening. To-day I have examined the paintings carefully and regret to inform you that they are all below the standard of quality which I have fixed for my future guidance. I am firmly resolved to buy hereafter only master pieces for my collection. In earlier years I bought for the purpose of study and historical interest, paintings of many classes and frequently copies of second rate examples. Such paintings have served their purpose and I am now disposing of them. They have been weeded out of my collection and will not be shown at Washington, so you will see that the ones you have recently sent are not interesting enough to be purchased by me.

I shall be in Detroit until about November twelfth when I shall leave America going to Egypt, Ceylon