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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 29th.,1906.

George B. Zug, Esquire:
c/o City Club of New York, New York City.

My dear Mr. Zug:-

Your kind letter of October twenty-fifth is received. It is a pleasure to know that you enjoyed your little visit at my home and I hope to see you here again in the future. On November twelfth I shall leave Detroit intending to spend the coming Winter in Egypt, Ceylon and Java, and after my return next next year it will be enjoyable to have you repeat your visit.

Many articles, as you know, have been written on Whistler, but as a rule the majority of the writers shoot very wide of the mark, consequently much of the stuff published is not only misleading, but frequently insulting to the memory of the artist. The articles mentioned to you at the time of your visit are as follows, namely-

A short appreciation by Professor Fenollosa, which was published in a magazine call "The Lotus",a copy of which can be had from Sunkio Matsuki, No. 380 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.