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you anything you may desire to see. The very beautiful small screen by Koyetau which was purchased by the Yamanaka's at the Gillot sale for fifty thousand francs is in the Museum on public exhibition, being loaned by the Yamanaka's, and is really worth a journey to Boston to see.

Shall you pass through Detroit on your way to New Haven ? If so, can't you stop here if but for a day only ? I shall be here until the eleventh or twelfth of November, and while I am naturally fearfully busy I would be mighty glad to see Mrs. Morse, yourself, Miss Watson and, of course, Miss Watson's sister if she cared to come for the one day. On Saturday, November third and Sunday, November fourth,Mr. Ushikubo and one of the younger Mr. Yamanaka's are to be my guests. I shall be at he house steadily during those two days at least, and will be glad to see you and your party at that time. On Wednesday of this week I have to attend to business down town; also all of Thursday forenoon, but from Thursday afternoon of this week until Monday of next week I shall be constantly at my house. Now, if you will stop here for a day it will break your journey, and you can all be as quiet as you could be in your own home. You know,