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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 30th.,1906.

D. J. R. Ushikubo, Esquire,
of Yamanaka & Co., No. 254 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

Dear Mr. Ushikubo:-

I am enclosing herewith draft payable to your order for three thousand, five hundred eighty-nine dollars ($3,589.) the same being in settlement of your account to date. Kindly receipt the voucher herewith and return same at your early convenience.

I find after careful comparison that the Sung bowl sent on approval is not as fine as others already in my collection so I am returning it to-day by express, charge prepaid.

Nearly all of the potteries covered by the settlement herewith are very interesting and I am glad to have them.

I am looking with pleasure to seeing yourself and Mr. Yamanaka here on Saturday morning next, the third proximo. Your train is due to arrive a little after eight o'clock, but it is nearly always late so I suggest that you have your breakfast on the train. I name this for your own comfort for, if the train in late, and you wait for breakfast at my house I am afraid you will be uncomfortable all the forenoon. I