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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 1st.,1906.

Dear Professor Fenollosa:

Your good letter of October thirtieth came last evening. Yes, Stephen returned in high spirits, delighted with all that he had seen. He says, however, Detroit is good enough for him, and as for galleries - well, there is only one that reaches his ideal and that is not very far from his own home.

I am interested with the progress being made by Mr. and Mrs. Riley and shall be glad to receive the two sets of prints whenever they are ready. I am to send two or three of the Rakkans,along with several others, to Migeon, who has already sent to me several very enthusiastic letters from Japan. The reception given to him by the Yamanaka's, Matsuki and others, carried him quite off his feet.

I think the negatives made by Mr. Riley had better be sent to my address and I will have Stephen store them, at least temporarily, in my vaults. I think the old negatives made by Hayes had better be sent in the same way. The Hayes gallery is now being removed to a new building and the institution is pretty well disorganized and I doubt if they will be