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No. 33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
November 2nd.,1906.

My dear Mrs. Saint-Gaudens:-

After sending my letter yesterday, Mr. George H. Russel, President of the State Savings Bank, called upon me and suggested that the better way of drawing money from his bank would be for you to send along with your letters to him a check on the State Savings Bank for the amount of each withdrawal. I am sending you under separate cover a blank check book which you will kindly use when in need of funds. The check can be written in usual form and sent direct to Mr. Russel along with your letter.

I am also sending you a blank form for your signature which kindly send at your early convenience direct to President Russel of the State Savings Bank.

In order that you may have more tangible evidence of the credit to your account at the State Savings Bank I am sending you herewith a copy of a letter addressed to me under date of November first, signed by the President