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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 2nd.,1906.

My dear Mr. Donaldson:-

Referring to our conversation of yesterday and answering your good letter of the same date: After having studied the site at Washington and after consultation with Mr. Saint-Gaudens and other experts, as well as with both Mr. William C. McMillan and Mr. Philip H. McMillan, who in turn, have talked with other members of the late Senator's family, my views concerning the McMillan monument are that the memorial should be a tablet in marble or bronze having in alto relief a bust portrait of Senator McMillan, an idyllic suggestion of the falls of the Potomac and such other fitting details as may be deemed wise by the sculptor and the committee: Proper architectural setting, foundations et cetera to be designed by a competent architect who should work in colaboration [[collaboration]] with the sculptor, the effect to be aimed for being of high ideal quality rather than that of striking realism.