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No. 33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan,
November 6th.,1906.

Yozo Nomura, Esquire,
o/o Samurai Shokai, Yokohoma[[Yokohama]], Japan.

My dear Mr. Nomura:-

Your kind letter of October fourth reached me in yesterday morning's mail, and strange enough, last evening our mutual friend, Mr. Bunkio Matsuki, arrived. It is rather an unusual experience to receive so good a letter from you and a visit from Matsuki on the same day. I need not assure you that I appreciate both the letter and Matsuki's visit. 

From time to time I have heard through various mutual acquaintances of the success which has followed your business efforts. Many complimentary things have been told me from time to time of the importance of them transactions which have happened under your direction, and now to know that your house now leads all curio dealers in Japan is indeed most gratifying. I congratulate you heartily and trust that your business will continue to increase and that along with it you will enjoy much happiness. I often recall the interesting events of