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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan, 
November 6th.,1906.

Mr. Wm. R. Mead,
Of McKim, Mead & White, #160 Fifth Ave.,New York City.

My dear Mr. Mead:-

I am glad to have your letter of November third and am much pleased that you succeeded in finding Mr. White's sketch No. 4 for the Thayer frame, which is certainly very beautiful. I am glad that Mrs. White's counsel deems it proper to sell the frame loaned by Mr. White to Mr. Thayer. Will you kindly give instructions to have the frame shipped to Abbott H. Thayer, Monadnook, New Hampshire?

Your suggestion that some dealer appraise the value of the frame is entirely satisfactory to me, and if you will let me know the amount I shall be pleased to remit very promptly.. I wish also that you would send bill for Mr. White's services in designing Sketch Number four. Please understand that it was understood between Mr. White and myself at the time he undertook the work that I should