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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 9th.,1906.

D. J. R. Ushikubo, Esquire,
Of Yamanaka & Co., No. 254 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

My dear Mr. Ushikubo:-

I have received with pleasure the joint note from yourself and Mr. Yamanaka and I thank you for the same. The little visit was very interesting and I enjoyed every moment of it. I hope the future has in store many repetitions of it for us three.

I am glad to know that the Kakemono will reach New York in time for me to see them before sailing. I have a letter from Professor Fenolossa telling me of his engagements,and as I cannot reach New York before late Monday night, I would like to arrange to see the Kakemono early on Tuesday morning. The Professor will be free between nine o'clock in the morning and twelve thirty noon of that day, so if it is not too early for you I should like to be at your store,say, at nine o'clock., This will enable us to see the paintings along with Professor Fenolossa without interfering with his departure for Philadelphia by the noon train.