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After Egypt I shall visit Ceylon and Java, and am planning to return to America some time early next Summer. I wish you were going along.

It was delightful to have Mrs. Rice and Roger at my house a few days ago and I had hoped for another visit from them before Mrs. Rice's homeward journey, but the pressure of many things up to the last hour has prevented. 

You will be glad to know that the title to my collections has been legally transferred to the Smithsonian and that each article has been numbered and described and that all formalities have been pleasantly arranged. I may also tell you confidentially (and this the Smithsonian itself does not know)I have left a bequest of one hundred thousand dollars to be invested in government bonds, the proceeds of which are to be used for the employment of a competent curator, who shall give his whole attention to the collection. I had given much thought to this matter but had not felt its full importance until the receipt of your kind letter written just before your departure for Egypt. As named in my reply to that letter, I decided to give further consideration to the plan you proposed. Well, I have consulted with a number of experienced people, investigated the incomes of certain museums, both in America and abroad, made