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inquiries concerning salaries of curators, et cetera, and in re-writing my will recently I included the provision named. I want you to know of this, but you will understand that for the present, at least, I prefer not to have it known outside.

I am glad to know that you are keeping well and that all goes smoothly at Williamstown. Roger is steadily developing his usefulness to the Great Lakes Company. His enthusiasm and ability will surely make itself felt and I believe he will never regret the experience he has had out here. At times the hours are long and the pressure is strong, but as he advances in his responsibilities he will be better fitted to manage men than he possibly could have been without the personal experience, and I do not feel that he is being injured in any way by the devotion he is showing to his company. As a youngster I went through the same sort of a life, only I gave even much more time to the work than Roger is now doing: in fact, more than the most of young men could safely undertake, but I have never regretted it, and it was just such application which helped me to begin shaking off all business responsibilities at forty-five and which now makes me entirely free at fifty. Neither can I feel