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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 10th,1906.

D. J. R. Ushikubo, Esquire,
Of Yamanaka & Co., No. 254 Fifth Ave.,New York City.

Dear Mr. Ushikubo:-

The papers sent to me with your letter of August twenty-fourth, being three certificates relative to your Power of Attorney for Messrs. Yamanaka & Company, are returned to you herein under registered cover and I wish them back again in your hands safely. This also to confirm my conversation had with you in Detroit a few days ago when I said that the chattel mortgage proposed to be given as collateral to the loan of thirty thousand dollars would not be required. You have already paid ten thousand dollars on the account, and as the balance will all be paid within a reasonable time, the security will not be wanted. 

Looking forward with pleasure to seeing you in New York on Tuesday morning next, I remain,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer
