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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 10th.,1906.

Mr. Sezo Hatashita,
c/o Russel Wheel & Foundry Co., Detroit, Mich.

My dear Mr. Hatashita:-

Referring to the conversation had with you a few days ago; I take pleasure in returning herein enclosed your two promissory notes, as follows: One of December 4, 1902, for one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00), and the other dated October 31, 1904, for one hundred and seventy-five dollars ($175.00). On these partial payment has been made and I have cancelled the notes entirely and beg you to accept the difference between the face of the notes and the amount paid thereon with my compliments and as remuneration for the attention you have so kindly given to the screen racks,book shelves and other metal work for my collection and storeroom.

I am leaving Detroit to-morrow to be absent all Winter and before going I desire to extend my best wishes for your continued success and happiness.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer
