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No. 915 Union Trust Bldg.,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 19th.,1906.

Charles L. Freer, Esquire,
c/o Hotel Vasuve, Naples, Italy.

My dear Mr. Freer:-
Since my letter to you, of the fourteenth instant, addressed to the Hotel Belmont, New York City, the following mail matter has been received:

No. 12. Letter from Mr, Wilson Eyre, Philadelphia,
No. 13. Letter from Mr. Charles Moore, Boston,
No. 14. Letter from Mr. Abbott H. Thayer,
No. 15. Letter from Mr. Edward E. Getz, New York
No. 16. Letter from The Collector & Art Critic, N.Y.
No. 17. Letter from Mr. Bixby, StLouis, Mo.
No. 18. Letter from Hamburg Museum.
No. 19. Letter from McMillan Memorial Association.
No. 20. Printed matter from Chas. E. Lauriat,Boston,
No. 21. Printed matter from Doubleday & Page,New York
No. 22. Post card from Witenagenote.

I am also enclosing the drawings referred to in Mr. Eyre's letter

Recognizing the handwriting on Numbers thirteen and fourteen as that of Mr. Charles Moore and Mr. Thayer, respectively, I have acknowledged their receipt informing the gentlemen that you had sailed on Thursday last.