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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 13th, 1906

Mr. Albert Roullier,
Suite 701 The Fine Arts Building,
203 Michigan Bvd., Chicago.

Dear Sir:-
I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letters addressed to Mr. Charles L. Freer, relative to the drawing by Mr. Whistler.

The drawing was received at Mr. Freer's residence in good condition, during his absence. Mr. Freer sailed for the Orient on November 15th, last, and as requested in your letter, I am returning the drawing to you by American Express, charges prepaid, to-day.

I am writing Mr. Freer to-day, and will advise him of the receipt of your letters and the drawing. He will probably not return home before May, next, and if the drawing is still in you possession at that time, he would no doubt be glad to see it. If you care to have me forward it to him abroad for his inspection and decision, I shall be glad to do so.

Very truly yours,
JM Kennedy