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On Saturday last, I handed Mr. Watson Freer his Christmas check, likewise your sisters, and forwarded the Kingston checks, as well as Money Orders to Alice and Minnie. I also handed the gold to Stephen for himself, the postman and scrubwoman. We had delightful weather for Christmas.

The photographs have been received from Mr. Gault. I am checking them over carefully, and shall deliver them to the Express Company this afternoon or tomorrow morning, for shipment to Mons. Migeon, and of course, they should reach him at Paris in ample time. Mr. Gault did not finish those he was working on as early as first promised, but considering the Christmas rush, he did very well.

Under separate cover, (sealed) I am sending Miss. Mechlin's article which appeared in January Century, and as requested before you went away, I have ordered 25 copies of the magazine.

Nothing of consequence has transpired since my last letter. Stephen reports everything all right at the house, as is the case at the office.

I am enclosing some clippings, which amongst other things, will inform you of the prospective merger of the Commercial and First National Banks.

I am sending this letter to Ceylon, supposing that you will carry out your programme of leaving Cairo during the early part of January, in which case, there is insufficient time for this letter to reach you at Cairo. 

Trusting you are enjoying all your wanderings, and are keeping very well, I remain,

Very respectfully yours,
J M Kennedy
