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the grills operate perfectly and to make no mistake in his comparisons of measurements, and I think he has done this carefully, and because of it, the return of the drawings to Mr. Eyre has been some-what delayed.

Some days ago, Stephen had news that his wife's brother, who was a soldier in South Africa, died. Stephen's children have been ill with colds, but they all recovered fully, except the younger girl, who does not seem to improve as rapidly as he would like. She is gradually getting better, however, and will probably be all right in a short time.

This is my second letter addressed to Colombo, the earlier one being that sent you on December 27th. I assumed you would probably carry out your intention of leaving Egypt the early part of January, hence thought the letter sent you on December 27th would be too late to catch you at Cairo, and I am sorry that we had not received your letter tonColonel Hecker stating that you would remain in Egypt until about January 20th, which would be ample time in which to get a letter to you before leaving. 

Your letter written from Cairo on December 22nd, has just been received, and I am glad that all goes well with you and that you are having an interesting time. I note that you are now on a trip up the Nile, returning to Cairo about January 15th, and will cable us when you leave Egypt. I also note that you have made your third draft against your Letter of Credit. The Beers Bros bill, $3.85, was paid on November 23rd. I am also pleased that you received all letters sent by me up to and including December 3rd.
Everything is all right at the house and things are quiet at the office. The weather has been beastly - only six clear days in December, and one or two thus far in January, so that you are escaping very trying weather conditions. 

Trusting that you keep well. 

Very respectfully yours, 
JM Kennedy

P. S.

Newspaper clippings will go under separate cover.
