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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
February 11th, 1907

Mr. D. J. R. Ushikubo, 
Care, Yamanaka & Co.,
254 Fifth Ave., New York.

My dear Sir:-

I beg to ackowledge the receipt of yours of the 7th inst., enclosing a letter addressed to Mr. Freer, which you asked me to forward to him.

I am writing Mr. Freer to-day at Batavia, Java, and will enclose your letter therewith. I am also enclosing to him the copy of Synopsis of Prof. Fenollosa's lectures which you sent me under separate cover. 

The latest advises received from Mr. Freer indicate that he will return home via China and Japan, and I fancy he will leave Batavia between the 20th and last of March. I note that you are planning a trip to Japan, and of course, you and Mr. Freer will surely meet there.

Prof. Fenollosa delivered a lecture her on Friday evening under the auspice of the 20th Century Club, before an appreciative audience. 

I trust you have fully recovered from the attack of the "grippe", and with kind regards, I remain, 
Very truly yours,
J M Kennedy