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915 Union Trust Bldg.,
Detroit, Michigan,
February 25th, 07

Mr. H. M. Mayeda,
    Fuji Studio,
       101 West 56tg St.,
Dear Sir:-
       I am in receipt of your letter of the 22nd inst. Mr. Freer is traveling about in the Orient, and does not expect to return to Detroit before June, next. You had better not send to his residence the Sotatsu screen, which you mention in your letter; but if it is in your possession after Mr. Freer's return and you [[wish?]] him to see it, he will no doubt write you his pleasure in the matter.
       I have been in correspondence with Mr. Yamamoto about a matter of some freight charged on two cases of art objects which Mr. Westen at Yokohama shipped to Detroit in S.S. "Argenia" on September 19th, 1905. You will probably remember that at the time you made your first shipment here, you stated two of the five cases shipped belonged to Mr. Yamamoto. On two of the cases numbers 5020 and 5021, Mr. Weston claims the freight charges were not collected from the