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sender, and he advised the Custom House Broker here in Detroit to collect the amount, $15.45, at this end. Mr. Allison, the Custom House Broker, failed to collect these freight charges here, and Mr. Weston has demanded payment of the amount from him. Mr. Allison had remitted Mr. Weston the amount, and had asked me to pay the amount to him, because the cases came consigned to Mr. Freer. Along with the two cases came three cases numbers 5033, 5034, and 5035, and you will remember that there was nothing in the paper to show who the shippers were. My recollection is that you stated that three of the cases belonged to you, and two of them belonged to Mr. Yamamoto. I have written Mr. Yamamoto about the matter, and he has replied stating that he does not think he sent the two cases, because he paid Mr. Weston the freight charges on everything he sent. If these two cases belonged to you, and if in your settlement with Mr. Weston you did not pay the amount of the freight charges on them, will you be good enough to remit me or Mr. W. H. Allsion, the amount thereof?
           Mr. Yamamoto feels pretty sure that he did